
Sorry for the Disruption……

Sorry for the Disruption but I noticed the website website went offline for a day when I wasn’t looking .. 🙂

Well we are back and running now!!!

– Admin

8 thoughts on “Sorry for the Disruption……

  1. Hi
    I have an iphone 3g and could not activate the mms settings. When i go to your apn changer it apperars only the one for the internet and not for the mms.

    Can you help me please?

  2. when i type the web page on the phone it goes there shows everything but when i click on install apn it does nothing??

  3. Awesome work man! You rock. I have a request. I used the APN changer on my iPhone 4 successfully on the MU – Emtel carrier. This is for the island of Mauritius. However my IPad 2 just arrived and I shoved an orange carrier micro sim card in it. Unfortunately I don’t see a MU – Orange in the list of carriers. PLEASE could you help. If all else fails I will get an Emtel micro sim. Thanks for your great work.

  4. why is it my iphone still telling me that i’m not still activated on my cellular data even though i use this unlockit., plss do help is there a bad effect in my phone about the unactivated cellular data

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